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Job Search Classifieds For Advertisers

For Job Searching

How does the job search work?
PsychXchange publishes job vacancies within the field of psychology in Australia and internationally.

You can search for a job by Location, Job Type and Industry. It is possible to search by selecting just one or more of these options. You can also enter keywords to narrow your search. To select more than one option in the search boxes simply hold down the "Ctrl" key (PC) or "Apple" key (Mac) while selecting with your mouse.

Jobs that match your search options are listed by date, with the most recent ads listed first. To view a job simply click on the job title.

What if no results are listed when I do a search?
Your search criteria may be too narrow, or there may be no job that fits your selected criteria. To broaden your search select more items within the Location/Job Type/Industry options. To display all jobs listed on PsychXchange simply select All Locations, All Job Types and All Industries then click Search.

Is the job search free?
Yes. You can search for and browse job ads at no cost. You do not need to register to use PsychXchange.

How do I apply for jobs?
All job ads include information on how to apply for the jobs. You apply directly to the advertiser that placed the job ad. Please do not contact PsychXchange. Each advertiser determines their own contact details and how they receive and manage job applications.

Can I apply for jobs online?
PsychXchange does not process job applications online; you apply directly to the advertiser who placed the job ad.

How long are job ads listed for?
Job ads are posted daily and are listed for 30 days, unless the advertiser has chosen an earlier listing end date. Ads will be removed automatically from the site once they have expired, unless the advertiser chooses to re-advertise the ad.

Who can apply for jobs?
Jobs are advertised in Australia and internationally. Restrictions may apply for international applicants applying for Australian jobs and Australian citizens applying for international jobs. Please read the job advertisements carefully to determine the specific requirements.

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